2011년 10월 15일 토요일

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Speak with respect - do not shout at your players or interrupt them when they are
speaking. Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved.Anne Smith, Ph.D., the only tennis player in history who
has won 10 Grand Slam championships and earned a doctorate, works with athletes, coaches, and
parents who want to develop a prescription for how to win. Let your players know
what you like about their performance and what you would like to see them do
differently. The coach sets the tone. Do not assume that you are being totally understood
all of the time, especially with children.2. If they feel they can talk to you
- about problems with teammates, team rules, etc. If your team is not performing, take
Tn Requin a few minutes to figure out what you can say to inspire them to raise
their intensity and fight.5. - you will create an environment that fosters two-way communication and
builds trust and respect.8. Most coaches would not allow players to do that to them,
so why should they act that way with their players?6. Explain yourself - when discussing
game strategies or making adjustments at halftime, explain why you are making changes and what
the implications are for your players. Create an open door policy - letting players know
you are there for them when they have a problem is essential to your team's
success. Communicate with your players as individuals - get to know your players. Each player's
nike tn mind is different; they each take in information and process it differently. Be a good
listener - communication is about more than speaking; it is also about listening. If all
they hear is the coach's dialogue and are not given an opportunity to respond, the
coach risks his players tuning out and shutting down.3. Allow them to do the same.
If players do not understand why you are changing something, they are less likely to
be effective in putting those changes into action.7. Use humor - this is another effective,
yet underused, communication tool. Dr. 1. If you expect your players to listen to what
you have to say, then you must be willing to listen to them, as well.4.
Think before speaking - before reacting to a situation, think about the ramifications of what
you will say to your team. Communication is a two-way street. Have team meetings -
meetings that provide a forum for give-and-take with a coach are always a good idea.
A quick joke can help defuse difficult situations and relieve tension.It is all about dialogue
and delivery. Create a safe environment that focuses on learning new skills and strategies, creating
positive relationships and daily interactions, and increasing self-esteem and self confidence.Anne Smith, Ph.D. Smith is
the author of two books titled GRAND SLAM: Coach Your Mind to Win in Sports,
Business, and Life and MACH 4TM Mental Training System: A Handbook for Athletes, Coaches, and
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