All youth coaches should remember these points regardless of which sport that they coach.What you say
can have long term positive or negative effects on a player. A coach's words of
praise and kindness are sometimes the only positive words a player hears outside of school
and church.3 Important Points to remember:1.Praise Every Player at Least Once Every Day - Kids
look up to you. Regardless of what you do or say, that child will always
remember the hurt and embarrassment. Once you say something to a player, the damage is
done. Coaches should always take a moment and think before they speak what is on
their mind. What is most important is that if you tell a player when something
is done wrong, always make a point to tell that player as soon as possible
positive feedback praising something that the player does right.Maintaining a balance between correction and praising
is one of the greatest attributes of a good youth coach. Patience is another valuable
attribute of good youth sports coaches.3. Coaches should use an approach Nike Tn in such times that
is constructive and that produces positive results. It is a privilege to spend time teaching,
coaching and mentoring youngsters in one of the most critical stages of their mental and
physical development. Volunteering to coach youth sports can be one of the most rewarding experiences
in your life. If you "lose it" every time something goes bad then why should
your players not do the same. They know when you are sincere or not sincere
in your praise.2. They hear every word that you say. Sometimes coaches say something that
they wish many times over, that they had not. If all the kid hearsare negative
comments one right after another, that kids is going to eventually "tune you out". Check
out the Bat Action Hitting Machine baseball pitching simulator. There is absolutely nothing wrong with
a coach verbalizes displeasure when a player does something wrong as long as it is
done professionally and compassionately. It is a coach's job and responsibility to see, identify, and
correct bad player habits, mechanics and incorrect 925 silver actions and behavior. Maintaining a positive attitude and
a positive approach when correcting bad execution requires a high level of patience. Many coaches
fail to remember that what a coach says can have long term positive or negative
effects on a player. Players and teams emulate the behavior of their coach. Once they
are said, they are said! Take a minute to think before you speak when you
are irritated and displeased. Always strive to find a reason to praise every player at
least once or more during every game or practice. Maintain Your Composure - Think Before
You Speak - You can never take words back. Words of praise build confidence and
self esteem. Good luck to you and your team, Coach Nick Dixon.The CoachesBest Baseball Store
has a great selection of COACHING and TRAINING DVDs. Many kids do not get the
attention and the discipline that theyneed and desire. Don't make it false praise because kids
are too smart. The main thing I want to discus today is the importance of
thinking before you speak and the fact that your words greatly affect the self esteem
of your players. Be calm and composed at all times. Keep a healthy balance between
your words of correction and your words of praise. If he is calm and collected
when the pressure is on, they will tend to be also.I hope that you find
this article useful and informative. If you want your team to play and perform with
composure then you must be an example or role model. Many kids do not have
positive role models in their life. They take every word that you say to the
"heart". Maintain a Healthy Balance - Make sure that when you correct a player for
poor execution of a skill, drill or action, that you praise that player later when
a job is well done. Words spoken out of anger often come out wrong and
have the opposite effect on a player or team than you wished for. This high
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