2011년 10월 16일 일요일

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We fear humiliation worse than death so it's a powerful emotion that your mind wants to
avoid.Golf by it's very nature is one of those sports where there is a lot
of down time between shots and ample opportunity to get thinking about possible problems. You
are so completely focussed on the task at hand that your mind is completely occupied,
your body relaxed and you can play the shot confidently without worry. To stay in
the present moment means that you have no concern for the outcome of the shot
you are playing. They will still need to keep their mind focussed between points, games
and sets but sports like golf or snooker, pool and some others are even more
challenging.The faster the pace of the game means less opportunity for your mind to wander
out of the present time at the crucial moment, just as the ball (or other
object such as a puck) is played.Developing a deep focus ability in order to control
your thinking and keep the mind focussed in on specifics like targeting is ultimately a
learnable skill. A fairly simple sounding thing to do but far from it in reality
unless you are a Zen Master!The problem is that we have a part of our
brain that is attempting to protect Tn Requin us in a rather bizarre way by warning us
of past poor performance in the hope we don't repeat it. After all you would
not want your mind forgetting to warn you about stepping in front of a bus
now would you? A bad shot can bring humiliation, disappointment and anger so it is
little wonder that our minds want to warn us against doing anything that could have
a negative outcome, especially if it may be humiliating. In a sport that is fast
paced and constantly moving you will become very focussed on the game and have no
time for your mind to wander to "What if!".All sports have some time at some
point to allow thinking to wander but golf is also a game where the ball
is always stationary when it is played and our thoughts can wander negatively virtually all
the time. An example of this would be: "I have missed a short putt just
like this one twice already today, I don't want to miss this one too!"Just as
bad is allowing your mind to wander into the future and worry about playing badly,
or the consequences if you hit a bad shot. Sports like tennis allow thoughts to
wander between points but while the games are underway where actual shots requin tn are hit the
players are much more absorbed naturally in the present. An example of this would be:
"If I miss this putt then I lose the hole and match!"Staying in the present
mind is to be so completely absorbed in the moment that there is no room
for past or future thinking that interferes with performance. In the present your mind does
not wander from the task at hand and think about bad results of a shot
or past poor performances.One of the big problems with not being in the present moment
is that the golfer may allow their conscious mind to go back in time and
think about a past poor performance and negative events, which lowers their confidence and ability
to hit the shot confidently. "Watch out! Don't slice it in the woods here!" may
be a well intentioned warning but it's very unhelpful when we are trying to stay
calm, confident and in the zone I'm sure you will agree!It is not that we
want our minds to stop warning us of potential problems but untimely warnings that actually
spoil performance can be done without. The technique called "anchoring" from the field of NLP
(Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a highly effective at triggering and controlling your emotional states by
the Mental Game of Golf Now we have much more control.The answer for most of
us is to develop very solid pre-shot routines and back them up with NLP for
Golf Techniques, daily visualisation of how you want to perform on every shot. Visualising yourself
full of confidence and deeply focussed In The Zone every time you step onto a
tee would be a great idea wouldn't it? Can you imagine going into a confident
state and being really focussed almost automatically just by walking onto the teeing ground?Find out
more by the mental game of golf now and how to easily apply principals such
as visualisation, focus of attention, targeting and many others that will dramatically improve your golf
results and enjoyment of the game now go to http://www.golfmindshop.comImprove By "Every Golfers Guide To
The Development And Mastery Of The Inner Game" has extensive guides both written and on
MP3 to achieve your best performance by discovering the surprising power of great Sports Thinking
- The Mental Game.Wishing you FIR's, GIR's & Blue Skies,Mark.GET YOUR Peak Mental Performance FREE
EBookto get your mental game started now at http://www.golfmindshop.com or FREE GOLF GRIP EBook.Mark Wright
is a Master Coach and Sport Psychologist, NLP Sports Coach, Hypnosis Expert and Master Club
Maker with nearly 25 years of Sports Coaching Experience..
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