The host took the first drink from a single bottle and if he didn't die, it
was safe for everyone else around the table. Just invite them around for dinner and
slip something into the drinks. There were no forensic investigation teams and you could always
blame it on the gods.The answer was not to drink anything when you were with
your enemies but that would have been incredibly rude.The solution seemed easy enough. Several thousand
years ago in ancient Greece the easiest way to get rid of your unwanted political
opponent or wife or business partner was to poison them. While drinking from the same
single bottle as the host made sure the wine was safe, the poison could have
been in the glass. It just hasn't changed.Predictably, the backlash came and anti-toasting laws were
passed.Clinking the glassesThere's tn two theories to this.The first says that noise scared away the evil
"spirits" in alcoholic drinks. Burnt toast is a crude form of 'activated charcoal' used in
modern day filters. The first step was for guests to pour some wine into each
others glass before drinking. Some historical guesses say this was to add flavour to the
wine or to give each guest a small "treat". This then became a symbolic touching
or glasses to show confidence in the host. is an Australian premium cool climate winery.
And the practice of drinking to a lady's beauty from her shoe was born.Ahhh, the
things guys do to impress women. Hence the clink of the glasses would drive them
away.The second and more likely theory relates back to poisons. Hence the phrase "drinking to
one's health".Now we fast forward a nike tn few hundred years to Rome where it was still
acceptable to get rid of your enemies by poisoning. When the party ran out of
physical attendees to toast, they started toasting absent friends as an excuse to keep drinking.Toasting
competitions and other strange customs raged then died. The weekly newsletter gives you a snapshot
of 'This day in wine history' plus vineyard and winery news. It absorbs a lot
of bad smells and flavours.The word toast comes from the Latin "tostus", meaning "roasted" or
"parched".The habit of drinking wines with a chunk of toast at the bottom persisted and
spread to England.By the 16th century drinking a "toast" became the same as saying you're
drinking a "glass of wine with a chunk of toast at the bottom". The treat
theory sounds pretty lame as a piece of soggy bread in the bottom of the
glass doesn't sound like much of a treat.The more likely reason was to remove bad
flavours and smells from poor wines. The term "toast" then stretched to the act of
drinking itself and then to the entire ceremony and even the person being honoured by
the ceremony.Shakespeare mentions the term "toast" in "Merry Wives of Windsor" first published in 1602
but believed to be written prior to 1597."Drinking a toast" became all the rage in
the 17th and 18th centuries. Young men would stab themselves in the arm and mix
their blood with wine when toasting a young lass to prove their devotion and prowess.
The Romans had a strange practice of adding a small chunk of burnt bread (toast)
to each glass. Sign up at the website or send a blank email to
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